
Internal assessment

Twenty marks in each subject are earmarked for internal assessment and shall be distributed as follows:
Attendance – 5 marks. ( 2.5 marks for 75% of attendance and an additional 0.5 Marks for every 5% of attendance above 75%)

Tests – 5 Marks
Assignment – 5 marks
Seminar – 5 marks

The teacher concerned is the sole authority in awarding internal marks assessing the performance and attendance of the student. The internal marks will be published and finalized after considering the students about their complaints, if any.

Two tests will be conducted for each subject in a semester and the average will be the mark for the test paper. The date of the examination will be notified earlier.

Every student shall write one assignment and a synopsis for each subject on a topic assigned by the teacher concerned. The assignment and synopsis shall be submitted as per the direction of the teacher.

Every student shall present a paper for each subject in the class on a subject assigned by the teacher and the student shall also submit a synopsis for the same.

Exam regulations


No candidate shall be permitted to register for the end semester examinations conducted by the University unless the Principal has certified that he has obtained not less than 75% of the attendance in each paper and his conduct and progress has been satisfactory.

  1. There will be a University examination at the end of each semester. Each written paper carrying 100 Marks is divided into 80 Marks for written examination and 20 Marks for internal assessment.
  2. Internship – Each student shall have completed a minimum of 20 weeks of internship during the entire period of legal studies under NGO, Trial and Appellate Advocates, Judiciary, Legal Regulatory authorities, Legislatures and Parliament, Other Legal Functionaries, Market Institutions, Bank, Stock exchanges, Law Firms, Companies, Local Self Government and other such bodies where law is practiced either in action or in dispute resolution or in management.
    Internships cannot be for a continuous period of more than four weeks and at least one internship is mandatory for all students in the entire academic period with Trial and Appellate Advocates. Internships shall be done without affecting the regular classes.
  3.  External Viva-voce examination in the Tenth semester shall be conducted by the Board of Examiners constituted by the University.

BBA Project

All students are to carry out a project work either individually or in a group of not more than 5 under the supervision of a teacher. The project work may commence in the 7th semester. The report of the project shall be submitted to the College in duplicate before the completion of the 8th semester. There shall be no internal assessment for project work. A board of two examiners appointed by the University shall evaluate the report of the project work. The viva voce based on the project report shall be conducted individually. The maximum marks for the evaluation of the project shall be 100, distributed among the following components of project evaluation.

  1. Statement of the problem and significance of the study – 10 Marks
  2. Objectives of the study – 5 Marks
  3. Review of literature – 5 Marks
  4. Methodology – 15 Marks
  5. Analysis and interpretation – 20 Marks
  6. Presentation of the report – 15 Marks
  7. Findings and suggestions – 10 Marks
  8. Bibliography – 5 Marks
  9. Viva-voce – 15 Marks